GovDelivery | Belle View Elementary School (2025)

Belle View Beat-August 12, 2024

GovDelivery5 days 1 hour ago

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A Message from the Principal

Welcome to the first issue of the weekly "Bobcat Beat"!

As we welcome the students back to school, we wanted share some arrival and departure reminders for a smooth start and end to the school day.

Bus arrivals-All buses will pick up and drop off around the bus loop. FCPS has an app for buses that are running late."Here come the Bus" App

For the first week or two, I would anticipate some later bus drop offs.

Kiss and Ride (Car Riders)-Parent who drop off need to enter the parking lot and take an immediate left, following the kiss and ride signs. Each day, school staff will open car doors and greet your children. Please do not have your child exit the vehicle without our school staff assisting.

Walker-All walkers will exit the building and immediately head home. Students are not allowed to stay in the school grounds after school without parental supervision.

Kindergarten parents may walk students to class on the first day of school and through Wednesday, August 21st.

As a reminder, there is no student drop off on Fort Hunt Rd. and during arrival and dismissal, there is not left turn out of the parking lot.

Week in Review

Our teachers and staff are ready to welcome your children back to Belle View for the 2024-2025 school year.

Teacher will be calling families today and tomorrow!

We are looking forward to our two meet and greet events this week!

See you at the View!

Families can complete the Digital Resource Consent online this year in ParentVUE. Full approval of all resources or line by line approval is available. If you do not have a SIS ParentVUE account, you will not have access to this system. Submit a Parent Support Request ticket for a ParentVUE activation code. For questions about digital resources, please reach out to Charity Risko, our School-Based Technology Specialist ([emailprotected]).


Popsicles and Popcorn on the Playground

Tuesday, August 13th

K-2 is at 3:00pm

3-6 is at 4:00pm

Open House

Thursday, August 15th


REQUIRED PARENT SURVEY-3 hour release days-please fill out one survey per student at Belle View.

Require Immunizations due for all students in Grades K-12 by September 30, 2024.

FCPS Immunization Requirements/Resources

First Day of School-Monday, August 19th

3-Hour Early Release-Monday, September 16th

PTA Updates

Please join us on Thursday, September 19th for Back to School Night.

6:00-Principal Welcome and PTA Introductions

6:40-7:15-Session #1

7:20-7:55-Session #2

Session 1 and 2 are repeats.

Weekly Staff/Teacher Feature

Title/Position: (very proud) Principal

Years in FCPS/Education: 20 years (all up/down Fort Hunt Rd.)

Schools/Universities: University of New Hampshire, Lesley University, and University of Mary Washington.

Interests/Hobbies: Reading, taking walks with friends, listening to true crime podcasts, spending time with family and friends, shopping with my daughter Julia, and going to concerts.

Favorite Children's Book: "The Relatives Came" By Cynthia Rylant

6701 Fort Hunt Rd, Alexandria, VA 22307|MainOffice:703-660-8300

Attendance:703-660-8383|Web | Facebook |Instagram

Limited Early Release Mondays-REQUIRED Parent Survey

GovDelivery1 week 1 day ago

Dear Belle View Families,

The Early Release Mondays planned throughout the school year for elementary schools are essential to allow educators time for planning and professional development. Students will be dismissed 3 hours early seven times throughout the school year and are encouraged to return home via their normal route. However, we understand there may be a childcare hardship because of the early release Mondays for many of our families. To resolve these concerns, student supervision will be available for families who need it.

The following dates are planned for Early Release Mondays throughout the school year:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • February 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

To help plan for our school’s childcare needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form: for each of your children who are enrolled at Belle View Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 16, 2024 and October 21, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student.

And as always, if you have questions, please reach out to us directly.

Proud Principals,

Katie Pluntke and Kristen Lehner

New Social Media Pages/Event Reminders

GovDelivery1 week 3 days ago

Good morning Belle View Families,

It is hard to believe that our teachers and staff return this coming Monday! We are very excited to start working as a collaborative staff and welcoming our student back to school.

This year, we have updated some social media platforms. Feel free to join them for event reminders, school information, and general announcements.



Also, we have had a few families mention that they have not received our earlier communications. . We have created an updated list with all primary enrolling parent emails automatically enrolled in "News You Choose". If you have other family members wanting to enroll, please use the link below.

Event Reminders:

Popsicles and Popcorn on the Playground- Come hang with friends and meet some teachers and staff. Parents can sign up for our PTA and we will have PTA members available to answer questions.

Tuesday, August 13th.

Grades K-2 from 3-4pm

Grades 3-6 from 4-5pm

Open House-Come meet your new teachers, drop off supplies, and see you new classroom.

Thursday, August 15th from 4-5pm

We cannot wait to see you at the "View" next week!

Pound Principals,

Katie Pluntke and Kristen Lehner

FCPS's New Initiatives/Event Reminders

GovDelivery3 weeks 5 days ago

Dear Belle View Families,

Ms. Lehner and I have had an amazing week at FCPS’s leadership kick-off and have learned so much about the new and exciting initiatives and curriculum updates for the 2024-2025 school year. I wanted to take a moment to highlight two new initiatives and extend calendar reminders for events in August!

For the 2024-2025 school year, in compliance with the Virginia Literacy Act, Fairfax County Public Schools is adopting Elementary (K-6) Language Arts Basal Resources. Belle View has had teachers receive training this summer on how to implement these added resources and we will be ensuring a full staff training in August before the start of the school year. More details to follow, but you can certainly read up on the program here.

FCPS has also shared its Limited Early Release Monday’s plan for staff development. The reasoning behind these three-hour planning afternoons is to allow for training concerning the adoption of new textbooks, differentiated support plans for students, needed professional development for the new Virginia Literacy Act, new reading, and math Standards of Learning exams (SOLs) from the state, and other initiatives. These demands require blocks of uninterrupted, in-person, planning time.

We encourage all parents/caregivers to have their student take their normal route home (bus, walk, kiss, and ride) on early dismissal days. FCPS is working on supplemental activities for students who may have extenuating circumstances and need supervision on a particular day while their teachers are receiving professional development and curriculum training.

Please mark your calendars and we will certainly provide more details as we approach the first start in September. For Belle View and all students within the West Potomac Pyramid, the dates below are our Early Release days. Belle View will dismiss at 12:55 pm on those days.

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • February 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

Calendar reminders:

Popsicles on the Playground-Tuesday August 13th, 3-4 pm (K-2) 4-5 pm (3-6)

Open House-Thursday, August 15th, 4-5pm

First Day-Monday, August 19th

Back to School Night-Thursday, September 19th, 6:30-8:30 pm

Enjoy the rest of July and we will see you in August!

Proud Principals,

Katie Pluntke and Kristen Lehner

51 minutes 33 seconds ago

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.